L20 - Growth of the Federal Government - Lessons on American Government
L20 - Growth of the Federal Government - Lessons on American Government

To trace the development of the federal government since the framing of the United States Constitution.

1 class period

L20 - Growth of the Federal Government - Lessons on American Government
Item #:AGL20     
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This lesson includes four exciting password games. Begin by reading the game rules for PASSWORD with the class. Choose a scorekeeper, divide the class into two teams, and begin. Have a volunteer from each team come stand next to you to give clues. Change “captains” after each game. (Complete game rules are provided on the lesson pages.)

During Game 1, use any four words, names, or terms in this section, which pertains to the early years of the federal government. Underline one word, name, or term at a time where it appears on the lesson pages. Captains should take their clues from the description that includes the answer. Continue in the same way with Games 2-4.

Game 1: Early Years

Game 2: Rise of Big Government

Game 3: Expanding Government Involvement

Game 4: Recent Events

As the PASSWORD games are being played and clues are given, class members can keep track of clues by writing them down in the game form on page 20D.


Of all the activities I have written for my students, PASSWORD games are among their favorites.

Easy-to-follow Teacher Instructions and answer key included, along with a 20-question follow up quiz to measure student progress. The quiz can also be given as a homework assignment.