To understand how the rights of citizens are protected by due process of law.
1 class period
Students are given a copy of page 22A only, which contains six paragraphs about due process of law.
Class members begin by reading paragraphs 1-2 and underlining or highlighting key words, names, and terms. They then put page 22A face down under their desks. Next, each student is given a copy of pages 22B - 22C with the same paragraphs as page 22A but with missing words, names, and terms. Without looking back at the first page, the kids must complete a series of sentences in paragraphs 1-2. A list of answer choices is provided.
After about 10 minutes, tell the students to switch their papers –– pages 22B and 22C are turned face down underneath the desk, and page 22A is again turned face up on top of the desk.
Continue in the same way with paragraphs 3-4, and then 5-6.
While this can be used as an activity for individuals, you can also turn this into a fun game by dividing the class into two teams that will take turns trying to identify the correct answers as you read through the paragraphs on 22B and 22C with them. In that case, have the kids first read through all paragraphs 1-6 on page 22A by themselves. Then collect page 22A, pass out 22B and 22C, divide the class into two teams, and start the game.
Teacher Instructions and answer key included.