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> The Game of Mercantilism, AMERICAN HISTORY LESSON 11 of 150, Reading, Critical Thinking, Class Game, and Quiz
The Game of Mercantilism, AMERICAN HISTORY LESSON 11 of 150, Reading, Critical Thinking, Class Game, and Quiz
The Game of Mercantilism, AMERICAN HISTORY LESSON 11 of 150, Reading, Critical Thinking, Class Game, and Quiz
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To understand the effect of mercantilism on European countries and their colonies.
2 class periods
The lesson starts by reading with the class background information about the growth of trade between Europe and other parts of the world as a result of the Age of Exploration. Students then need about 15 minutes to answer a series of Thought Questions, which help to develop critical thinking skills. Answers are then briefly discussed.
Next, the class is divided into 5 teams -- Portugal, Spain, France, England, and The Netherlands -- for the playing of THE GAME OF MERCANTILISM. The object of the game is for each country to gain control over trade in various products from around the world. These products, which are shown on a map on the last page of the lesson, were carried to Europe by merchant ships during the 1500s, 1600s, and 1700s -- the period of mercantilism. A complete list of Game Rules is provided on the lesson pages.
Easy-to-follow Teacher Instructions and answer key included, along with a 20-question follow up quiz to measure student progress.
The quiz can also be given as a homework assignment.
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